Wellington Ken

Wellington Ken is our Ken located in Wellington!
We run regular peulot (activities) about Judiasm, Israel, Shivyon Erech Ha’adam and Jewish holidays including a famous Chocolate Seder for Pesach! Wellington Ken will also run kef activities such as Kabbalat Shabbat, Scavengar hunts, Movie nights + more!

Wellington Ken is an awesome space for chanichimot and new chanichimot to have a space to meet other Jews in Auckland and develop close relationships before our 2 Machanot throughout the year!

Contact us

Rosh Wellington Ken: Maya Mirkin

Email: wellington@habo.org.nz

If you are interested in joining our Wellington Ken Email group for all updates regarding Wellington Ken activites/peulot, contact us using the email above!

HDAo Wellington Group

HDAo Instagram